News and notes about the South Florida social media and blogging scene, with a little tech thrown in for good measure. And maybe some other random events, too.

Social Media Club South Florida enjoyed one of its biggest turnouts this month and it's no surprise what with geek and social web rock star Loic Lemeur up on stage at a beautiful Eden Roc hotel conference room.
Loic, who founded Seesmic -- originally a video chat service turned into social desktop application -- also founded LeWeb Conference in Paris and has done other amazing entrepreneurial ventures like getting married and raising three kids. The smart, charismatic French hottie is so popular, there is even a Facebook page called something like "Who Wants to Sleep With Loic?" started by a bunch of gay guys in Paris, according to Loic. Certainly, he had all the ladies in the room going gaga over his smooth French accent.
But all sex appeal aside, the session lasted over an hour, during which time Loic presented an abridged version of his social media strategies talk and discussed the development of Seesmic's social application as it moves forward. Loic also fielded questions from the audience. Afterward, small group enjoyed dinner with him at a private residence. Loic worked on a social media campaign in France with President Sarkosky and you'd think this guy would act like a big shot, but actually he was very approachable and friendly. Thanks Loic for hanging out with us in South Florida!

I've been putting this event together since last fall, so I'm thrilled that to have a little staycation in Fort Lauderdale because you know, South Beach was just a little too shallow. Mark your calendar this Saturday for the big-ass tweetup at the Hyatt Pier 66 in Fort Lauderdale. There will be old friends to catch up with and new friends to make!
Visit SxSe for more information or RSVP at Tweetvite.
Miami resident Irina Patterson is one of 50 ambassadors for the 1M/1M project, which seeks to help 1 million entrepreneurs worldwide to reach 1 million in revenues and beyond. The project also intends to teach Silicon Valley's best practices to entrepreneurs in the global community.
In this post, Irina states why 1M/1M is good for "unemployed but ambitious people" and makes a bold claim about resumes:
Forget broadcasting your resumes, that time is gone. Use the Internet for relationship building. Find a community where you can showcase your skills and go for it by contributing actual work not just talk.M1/M1 is the brainchild of Sramama Mitra, and M.I.I alumna, Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur, strategy consultant and Forbes columnist. Irina covers the southeastern United States as well as Eastern Europe and Russia. If you are an entrepreneur, a start up or a bootstrapping company, contact Irina.
Refresh Miami is tonight but there's plenty more going on this summer that you can find out via Refresh South Florida's nifty newsletter, which you can subscribe to on the website. Refresh Lauderdale is also growing. The next meet up is on June 3.
Thank you, Maria, for bringing 1M1M to your readers attention!
I really hope that startups in Miami take full advantage of this free guidance that comes directly from the Silicon Valley. Sramana is well regarded in the Silicon Valley and worldwide for her startup positioning and strategy development expertise and she is also a Forbes magazine columnist.
Within 1M1M, I also profile emerging Florida startups on my blog as well as on Sramana Mitra's blog:
So, any Miami startups with revenues and customers can reach me at @mylifeandart to see if they could get some media coverage and though that maybe make some important connections for their growth. Regards -- Irina
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