It seems like no one was into my video contest so you know what? If it's broke, fix it! Ladies, we are downgrading from a contest to a drawing. Seriously, you have to be in a coma to pass up these great prizes in celebration of Sex and the Beach's fifth anniversary party. I'm going to make it VERY easy for you! Like, totally painless. Like, it hurt you more to lose your virginity than to qualify for this awesome drawing.
Here's all you have to do: submit ONE comment on this post about something that you've done or experienced in the past five years that you're particularly proud of and are willing to share with others for inspiration. I will take down all names and do a drawing Sunday at the party.
That's it! How easy is that?
Win a photo session with photographer and blogger Scott Branch of in a local location of your choice (no studio). Scott will give you three of the best shots, non-watermarked, so if you've been looking to refresh your avatar or need a good publicity photo, here's your chance. Or maybe you want a tasteful sexy photo for your ball and chain; whatever -- it's up to you! I recommend you go for a natural, outdoors portrait but you can work out the details with Scott.
But what's a good photo if you're not sporting your best look? If you win the grand prize, you'll also benefit from fabulous hair and makeup services from D and L Hair Studio in South Miami. This isn't just a wash and blow! D and L will take care of you up to $300. Laila, the owner, is really good at figuring out what coloring and cut works best for you. Get to know her. She's an entrepreneur I highly admire and that's why I'm proud to have her as a sponsor of this blog. Plus her team is awesome and she has wi-fi and wine at the hair studio!
Lincoln Road's sexiest new store in South Beach is offering you a $250 gift certificate to buy pretty underthings for your bod. Visit Journelle online to see what they got ... this is dreamy lingerie, ladies!
Win a case of wine from Wine Sisterhood, a California-based wine company made for women by women! I had a chance to meet these fine ladies at Blogalicious this weekend and I also go to try the wine. You'll get to pick from the collection so you can try them all. I recommend the delicious and refreshing Middle Sister Sweet and Sassy Moscato or Middle Sister Drama Queen Pinot Grigio (my favorite). This gift is valued up to $150.
Win a Women's Health Gift Basket from Life Extension, a $275 value with vitamins, supplements and other goodies to keep that spring in your step and a healthy glow, as well as one-year membership to Life Extension! Gifts courtesy of the fabulous and gorgeous Tonya Scholz of kNOw-AGING and Social Chats, a woman who teaches us that real beauty comes from within and is never fake!
Does that mug need a little tune up? Win a microdermabrasion or chemical peel valued at $125 from BodyCare Center for Advanced Rejuvenation in Fort Lauderdale. Or opt for 15% off any liposculpture or smart lipo.
If surgical intervention is not for you, then maybe you'll opt for a chance to wine a Body Magic System from Ardyss valued at $170! They say you can drop 3 sizes in 10 minutes by wearing this medical grade reshaping undergarment. That's just a fancy way of saying that it flattens a muffin top and promotes correct posture, which is a huge plus! I'm all about the good posture; it's the best fashion accessory. This gift comes courtesy of Alma Herrera.
I will personally part ways with my signed copy of the South Florida Firefighters Calendar. Yes, that's how much I love you. And it's a little worn -- I carry it in my laptop bag, no joke. A $17 prize but the social and trivia value is priceless! And besides, every time you sigh, moan and groan looking at the guys I know you'll be thanking of Sex and the Beach.
Now what are you waiting for? Start commenting now!
Please submit all comments by Saturday, October 16 no later than 10 PM. One comment per person, please. Make sure your name is recognizable so that I'll be able to reach you. If you have a public Twitter handle and don't mind sharing, please include that in your comment. You don't have to be present at the party to win, but I do encourage you to attend! How else will you be able to try the exclusive $5 Punanitini cocktails?
You must be 21 or older to participate. I will help you coordinate with prize companies but I'm not responsible if anything happens to you as a result of winning. Also, you should probably live in South Florida because all the prize stuff, except the wine, is local. But if you visit here regularly or plan on coming here soon, that's cool too.
Special thanks to all who are sponsoring prizes!

I'm proud that I survived my hubby's first deployment this past year without having a complete meltdown! If I can do it, anyone can. =)
I survived breast cancer and the treatment that comes along with it. This included loosing my hair while taking chemotherapy. This happened 2 1/2 years ago. My hair has all grown out now.
In the past 5 years I've made it through a move from VA to FL, had a baby girl (who is now 5!), survived the loss of my mother and the hell that followed from my step-family, got separated, put both kids in pres-school, started a new business and got both kids into kindergarten all while managing to keep myself and my kids mostly sane and well-adjusted. Whew! What a 5 years it's been.
Of course, none of that compares to the lady above who survived cancer so, she gets my vote!
Congratulations on your fifth anniversary, Maria!
I enjoyed your "Stop Calling Me a Freakin' Blogger" post, even more than usual. I agree that the marketing industry's reaction to new media is quite mixed, and sometimes frustrating.
Thanks for showing us "new-fangled" writers the light!
Quit a job I hated and landed my dream gig in NYC.
I took a year off after grad school and worked as a flight attendant between Bolivia and Miami. It fulfilled a childhood dream, let me see a country I would otherwise never have visited and I spent my free time there volunteering to teach English to poor children so I got to help Sta Cruz's next generation as well! Oh and I got a really cute uniform that I was able to keep.
I am proud of completing my Master's Degree and saving enough money to pay for it out of pocket without a loan.
First and foremost, congrats on not only a successful blog, but it's longevity. Above anything, you should be proud of your accomplishments!
It’s great to see that with your success, while some see it as minimal, you are giving back to your audience. That’s quite admirable. Kudos.
I actually had to think about my accomplishments in the last five years, and that was actually a good thing. More often than not, I’m too busy thinking I haven’t done enough. Then I’m forced to think about what I have done, and it’s enough to make me realize how proud of myself I am.
After the death of my Grandfather five years ago – one of THEE most influential people in my life – I was surprisingly able to move ahead and graduate college. I’m the first in my immediate family to do so. Personal growth with the ending of a very serious relationship a couple years ago gave me more strength than I could put in to words. The failures and disappointments have been surprisingly influential.
I’ve been fortunate enough to be featured on local and national levels for my journalism and media projects (including being written about by you!). With the culmination of my failures, accomplishments, and works in progress, I’m ecstatic to see what the next five years will bring. It’ll be exciting to celebrate this blog’s 10-year anniversary!
Great work as always. Keep it up!
There are many achievements I feel good about, representing Great Britain in Athletics, getting married, but driving the motorcade for The President of United states and then personally meeting him was quite an honored experience even if I am a Brit!
My lovely friend Maria, congrats on your 5th anniversary!
This are the 4 most important thing I've experienced in the last five years:
- Learned the word Punani (courtesy of Vice-Queen Maria)
- Having a C section hurts
- Divorce lawyers are expensive
- I can get free and good discount for being a military wife (2nd marriage)
Twitter: @ahorrosconcupon
Congrats on your anniversary my friend! Its no mystery why you're celebrating 5 years of awesome posts - you're a star! Anyhow, I'm most proud of finding the inspiration and guts to start my own blog! I'm also most proud of how far I've come with my career and lived in both NYC and MIA! <3
Congrats on the 5 year anniversary! One of the proudest things I've done in the last 5 years is run a full marathon, all 26.2 miles of it. May you have many more years of success!
I finally got married. :)
Ladies, thank you so much for leaving comments! Some of you have private profiles or have not linked to your site or perhaps I don't know you ... please make sure you contact me via the email link provided on my profile so I know who you are.
Wow, you sure know how to throw a party! I'm proud that I just got my first car after finally repairing my less-than-perfect credit. It feels so good to no longer owe anyone money!
Congratulations on your 5th blog-a-versary!
I'm proud of being a kick ass mom. When I received my daughter's autism diagnosis, I didn't fall apart. I confronted the situation head on and now I have a child that's on the path to greatness.
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