Coming soon to an ego near you! Look, all the lemmings are lined up and ready to jump off the bridge! As I live and breathe, how did I even survive another day with YET ANOTHER screwy method of hiding behind an online persona in the hopes of finding my ain true love -- Colin Farrell's penis?
F****L.COM is the first ever “social bookmarking” site for people! Just like you can save links to your “Favorite” web sites in your web browser, on f****L.com you can save links to profiles of people on your favorite dating or social networking sites. Even better, you can share your favorites with others! Also, you can “tag” your favorites with keywords and use these keywords to find new people to meet. Best of all, just like T****D****.com, f****L.com is completely FREE!
I am more than a bookmark. I am more than a keyword. I am more than a tag. I am more than a profile. I am more than a blog.
BUT MY ASS? At least that's real!
Ring, ring! Oh, sorry, must go! Colin's on the phone!
Im so glad I finally got married. I did the online dating thing though and it was, um, interesting, and gave me stories to tell at dinner parties for years to come, as well as a couple of delightful booty calls. I think South Florida boys consider the online dating thing a sort of catalog of ass, or an all you can fuck buffet. Lets collaborate and write a book together about online dating disasters. I have to tell you the four inch penis story. Obviously he bore no relation to Colin Farrell.
WLSW, I wish I'd know there was a buffet option. My own excursion in that scene were purely pay as you go.
MKH - I'm letting the cat out of the bag! I checked my confidential and very reliable sources to learn that you were a championship ass-tagger in high school!
WLSW - Do tell, do tell ... no penis is too big or too small for a good story. We MUST write a book together! I'm eager to get an advance for my size ** Cavalli and a closet full of Blahniks! Let's hurry ... Oprah will be booking our flight to Chicago soon!
MKH - I wish I had known there was a buffet and pay-as-you-go, it was always slim pickin' dog scraps for Manola!
But at the prices these ladies charge for an appetizer, I knew the main courses were all out of my budget.
Also, even if it was true, I'm not sure I would want to put "championship ass-tagger" on my resume.
Is it me, or are Manola's posts becoming less and less coherent?
This post has left me thoroughly confused.
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