Friday, December 05, 2008


No sooner do I go on hiatus from blogging, that all this interesting stuff happens I want to blog about! So as I make the transition to the new and improved version of Sex and the Beach (it's going to be called Sex and ... WHATEVER), feel free to join me over at Posterous.

I like Posterous. It's elegant, simple, quick and you can post from email, if you like, or from the site online. It's more in the spirit of microblogging, which I'm really into these days.

I have some new social media consulting work, telecommuting with a pretty hot company out of Silicon Valley. And around the corner is an opportunity to blog for a major bank. (I can't even believe it.) And as always, I continue to do my forum work at Miami Beach 411, which I so dearly love. (Believe it or not, all of this is still part-time.) So needless to say, with this kind of job (and prosperity!), it's a lot easier to be creative in short spurts. When companies start paying you to blog and you're already a blogger, you really need to manage your writing time, otherwise you can burn out very quickly, and this is precisely what I'm trying to avoid. I'm looking for that happy medium -- being an artist while making good money with my craft.

I plan to return to a regular blog format sometime in January. Sex and ... WHATEVER is going to be less about the characters I've created and more about whatever my heart desires to put in writing. Manola and company of course may make an appearance from time to time. This will broaden the range of topics I can shuffle and I will not be limited to any particular location. It's a win-win.

Happy blogging, everyone!